Peas can be cooked by steaming with a small amount of water. When cooking, put the less liquid the beans to rest as much nutritional value. If you want to add more pea flavor, use water instead of stock.
Description and Origin
Pea is an annual herbaceous plant of the legume family, great nutritional value and vegetable crops, as it belongs to a group of grain legumes.
A man not used for food ferocious wild peas, although the oldest sites of pea occurring in the Neolithic period. Pease has been found in old Greek tombs 6000 years before Christ, and in southern Russia in the 5000 year old archaeological layers. In Europe, the peas arrived early Middle Ages to the time of the great migrations. Europeans in 17th Century gladly prepare their favorite dishes of peas.
Peas are grown almost all over the world, mostly in Russia, China, India and the U.S., respectively, thrives in areas with cool, moist climate. It is a plant that is very cost-effective because it provides relatively high yields and can be easily preserved and that is why use all year round.
Podravka is for you to prepare frozen peas packed in pouches and canned peas in cans of different weights, so the beans can be enjoyed throughout the year at any time, whenever you want.
Peas full of vitamins, minerals and an excellent source of fiber and nutrients that can help preserve health.
Pease has been found in old Greek tombs 6000 years before Christ, and in southern Russia in the 5000 year old archaeological slojevima.Održava bone health and cardiovascular system because it is an excellent source of vitamin K (24% of the recommended daily intake), which activates osteocalcin, which helps calcium incorporation in bones and maintains normal blood clotting. A good source of folic acid and vitamin B6. These nutrients prevent the buildup of homocysteine, which disrupts the binding of collagen in the bones, which can lead to osteoporosis, and contributes to atherosclerosis.
Peas also provides nutrients to help in the prevention of cancer, for example, vitamin C, which is effective as an antioxidant. Vitamin C protects the DNA from damage, helps the body to fight pollution and toxic substances from the environment, boosts immune function and inhibit the carcinogenic substances in the body (eg nitrosamines). Beta-carotene, a provitamin of vitamin A, which has the beans, also helps in preventing various types of cancer and heart disease.
Pease is a good source of iron (10% of the recommended daily intake), which is needed to build cells in the blood, and whose deficiency causes anemia, fatigue and a weakened immune system.
The shell contains compounds difficult to digest, such as fiber and pectic substances, so it is recommended to use dried fruit in the form of flour or peeled, mashed example. Prepared as a soup or porridge, fruit peas are not only the most delicious, but above all the most acceptable and easier to digest. Fiber can help to prevent colon cancer.
People who have problems with the stomach and intestines must avoid dried fruits because they cause the creation of undesirable acids and bloating. Kidney patients should avoid dried fruits because of the high protein content, but may enjoy the new peas without salt. Due to the presence of purines, is not recommended in patients of gout.
In folk medicine pea flour is used for the treatment of rashes, and ulcers in the form of paste-like wet and hot lining.
Energy and nutritive value
Peas belong to legumes, vegetables richest in nutrients, and 100 g contains 81 kcal / 339 kJ. A rich source of carbohydrates (14.46%) and fiber forms galaktana, glucuronic acid, fructose, glucose and other compounds. High protein content (5.42%) due to a root nodules in containing bacteria (Bacterium radicicola) that bind nitrogen from the air and convert it into valuable amino acids and then into proteins. Along with proteins and carbohydrates, it is worth mentioning fats and lecithin, a substance important for the nervous system.
During the germination of pea developed vitamins C and E, which is an excellent source of vitamin C (50% of the recommended daily intake), but the dried fruits ga has a trace. Antisterilitetni Vitamin E comes in small quantities, but it is stable during cooking. Vitamin A has a trace. Pea is an excellent source of thiamin-B1 in dried fruit, and a good source of riboflavin and niacin-B2-B3, which participate in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
It is important to include beans in your diet if you often feel tired because its nutrients foster energy within the body cell.
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