Description and Origin
Apple tree is commonly cultivated trees in the world, and as growing wild in Europe in prehistoric times. Tame apple is a native of southern Siberia and Asia, and the Greeks and Romans bred different varieties.
Apple tree can be up to 12 m high, with a branched crown you build ovate leaves. In May blooms pale pink to white flowers, and the fruits ripen from July to October, depending on the varieties of apples.
Apple is among the most abundant species of fruit, refreshing, sour-sweet flavor and aroma. Celebrities are numerous varieties (about 10 000), which differ in taste, sweetness and acidity, juiciness and consistency.
Apple is among the most abundant species of fruit, refreshing, sour-sweet flavor and aroma. It is known around 10 000 varieties.
Apple is usually eaten raw, but also baked, cooked, dried, processed into juices, jams, jams, jellies, and is well known and highly respected cider vinegar.
Apple cider vinegar is a product obtained by fermenting apple or fermented apple juice. It is used in traditional medicine because of the significant presence of potassium, a key mineral ingredient necessary for health. The importance of the potassium that binds and other useful mineral substances: phosphorous, magnesium, calcium, sulfur, iron, fluorine, and to a lesser extent, other minerals. It is eaten in various combinations, often with honey and water.
Fresh apples are recommended to eat half an hour before or several hours after eating. Apples contain a large percentage of water in which are dissolved nutrients, and passes through the stomach within 15-20 minutes, so everything is quickly absorbed. Does eating apples with other foods, especially fatty and rich in protein, along with them will be retained in the stomach for several hours.
Apple is a regular component of the diet for weight loss, for several reasons. Thanks pectin content (insoluble fiber that swells in contact with water), Apple manages to create an added sense of fullness and satiety. In addition, apples contain monosaccharide fructose, the sugar that can cause satisfaction of the desire for sweet, and that there are no major changes in the concentration of glucose in the blood. For this reason, and consequently does not increase the secretion of the hormone insulin, which can stimulate the storage of sugar and fat from making sugar. Recent research shows that tannic acid contained in apples significantly affect the metabolism of fats and prevents their deposition in the liver. Apples are brought plenty of water (which is desirable in reducing diets), vitamins and minerals, dietary fiber, which helps regulate the chair and give a feeling of satiety, and increases the excretion of urine.
Apple makes it easy to digest, and it also contains many useful substances that stimulate the immune system, prevents the deposition of fat in the liver and protects against cancer.
From bioflavonoids apple contains the most anthocyanins, which are concentrated in the crust and give apple red. For this reason, it is advisable to eat apples with their skin, not because of the content of vitamin C because it is evenly distributed throughout the fruit. Anthocyanins have anti-inflammatory, protective effect on the liver and heart and hinder cancer development and function and stimulating the immune system. Bioflavonoids enhance the action of vitamin C, and this is just a desirable combination of apples, you should definitely include in your daily diet.
Energy and nutritive value
Apple fruit is rich in nutrients, whose amount depends on the type and the method of cultivation, and almost all the necessary nutrients are present at least in small quantities.
On average, the water is 82% of the fruit, carbohydrates, has about 12% fat, and protein together about 1%, and the pulp of the fruit in an amount of about 1%. Aside from the basic substance, apple contains a number of other ingredients necessary for the human body: sugar (glucose, fructose and sucrose), insoluble fiber (pectin), organic acids (ratio of sugar and acid determines the sweetness), all of the essential and non-essential amino acids (but in a very small amounts), aromatic substances, color (chlorophyll, karoteonidi and anthocyanins), vitamins and minerals (especially a lot of potassium), and even fat (seeds contain 24% oil).
Apple also contains 3.3 g dietary fiber - more than 10% of the daily recommended amount of fiber that experts in nutrition.
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