Thursday, February 14, 2013


One of the fruits which are used completely. Its crust contains aromatic oils that will enrich the air with its citrus scent. Refreshing juice will awaken the taste buds turn if you add it to savory or sweet dish.

Background and Description

Lemon (Citrus limon x) is a tree of the genus Citrus (family Rutaceae). Hybrid Fruit ancient crossroads, presumably, pomelo and citron. Ancient citron (Citrus medica) was smaller and shriveled bark, and was used in Mesopotamia around 6000 years ago. It is believed that lemon and orange comes from China and India. About 700 was imported to Persia, Iraq and Egypt. It is often used as an ornamental plant. In Europe the first lemons imported to Genoa in mid-15th century. He arrived in America 1493rd year, with Christopher Columbus. Word lemon originated from the Arabic word lemon (لیمون).
With us in our situation develops citrus vegetative growth several times over the years.
Lemon is a subtropical evergreen fruit tree, small tree, grows from 3 to 6 feet. Young shoots and leaves are purple flower. The fruit is yellow, the interior is a colorless, oval to almost round in shape, usually with stem slightly depressed with a pointed end at the opposite end.
Crust can be slightly rough or smooth, while the inner side is coated with a white spongy envelope called albedo and is not edible. Lemons leaves are dark green and grow alternately on the stem. The flowers are white and fragrant, with five petals. The plant is sometimes grown as a decoration, but generally crops are grown in order to obtain fruit.
In the appropriate climate lemon tree bore twice a year. Spring flowering from which grow the best fruit for at least two months. Also as long ripe fruits can wait picking up the branch, which allows continuous harvesting throughout the winter, from November to April or May. Another flowering, which is in commercial plantations causes involuntary, is in August and September, and the fruits are starting to gather in May, immediately after the harvest last winter fruits.
With us in our situation, lemon develops vegetative growth several times over the years. Because the lemon trees are often found at the same time flowers and fruits in various stages of development.

Healing properties

Lemon is almost synonymous with vitamin C. The cold and flu season is certainly well more often consume lemon to contribute to strengthening the resilience of the body. Furthermore scientific studies have claimed that vitamin C can reduce the occurrence of colon cancer and inflammatory conditions such as asthma, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
Lemon contains a diverse and unique phytonutrients that have significant antioxidant and antibiotic properties. Scientists from the U.S. Agricultural Research Service (ARS) found that limonoids body absorbs just as much vitamin C. limonoids are easily digested and released into the digestive system, and plasma remain for up to 24 hours, which is much longer than other similar nutrients (phenols from green tea and hot chocolate are available 4-6 pm). Bioučinkovitost and length of retention levels explain its powerful anticancer properties. Preliminary examination of the LFS show their effect on lowering cholesterol. Research conducted at the Australian CSIRO Research Institute found that limonin may reduce the occurrence of cancer of the mouth and throat by a whopping 40-50%.
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends the consumption of citrus fruits for preserving health of the cardiovascular system. Present nutrients and prevent the oxidation of cholesterol buildup on artery walls, which can cause a stroke or heart attack.
Lemon is also a source of dietary fiber, which contribute to lowering cholesterol, promoting the colon and reduce the occurrence of constipation, relieves symptoms that occur in people with the syndrome iritiranog colon, giving a feeling of satiety and thus helping to regulate weight.
Although it seems that due to the strong acidity may be inappropriate for the digestive system, the tests show that dissolved in water can very effectively relieve nausea, heartburn, flatulence, stimulate the liver and intestine. A study published in the British Journal of Nutrition found that women who regularly pile of citrus juice reduced the formation of kidney stones. Lemon juice mixed with warm water and honey promotes weight loss and helps in the treatment of throat infections and gum disease.
Lemon contributes to the health and beauty of skin, thanks to its antioxidant properties slows aging, contributing to cleanliness of the skin and eliminate blackheads and acne. Lemon juice can help remove mild stains on the skin. Effective in the fight against dandruff and hair loss after shampooing lemon juice gives the hair shine and volume and gently lightens hair.

Energy and nutritive value of properties

Energy value of 100 g of fresh lemon is 29 kcal/121 kJ. Since it contains 9.3% carbohydrate, 1.1% protein and 0.3% fat.
Since minerals are found in lemon calcium (26 mg, which makes 3.25% RDA), iron (0.6 mg, which makes 4.3% RDA), Magnesium (8 mg, which makes 2.1% of the RDA), phosphorus (16 mg which is 2.2% RDA), zinc (0.06 mg, which makes 0.6% RDA), copper (0.04 mg, representing 4% of the RDA) and manganese (0.03 mg, which accounts for 1.5% RDA).
Since vitamin Lemon contains vitamin C (53 mg, which represents 66% RDA), thiamine (0.04 mg, representing 4% of the RDA), riboflavin (0.02 mg, representing 1.4% of the RDA), pantothenic acid (0.2 mg, which represents 3% of the RDA), Vitamin B6 (0.08 mg, which is composed of 5% RDA).
Among other nutrients per 100 g lemon contains 3 grams of fiber and carotenoids - 20 mcg cryptoxanthin and lutein and zeaxanthin 11 mcg.

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