Saturday, February 23, 2013


Basic blackberry sauce, sugar and water, you can pour over the mousse, parfait or ice cream desserts like ice cream Ricotta and vanilla cream. Compote of blackberry and apple Serve with roasted veal or venison.

Description and Origin

Blackberry is the name for several species of climbing plants of the genus Rubus of the family rose (Rosaceae). Usually grow in protected places along forest edges, fences, paths, hedges or the woods. Blackberry has the form spiny shrub with long, curved branches, and can reach a height of 50-300 cm. Tree of them is more or less covered with thorns and places is numb. Spines used for climbing, but also as a defense mechanism against animals that feed on the leaves of blackberry. The leaves are pinnate, on the edge serrated toothed, upper surface dark green and smooth, and the bottom covered with densely tomentose hairs.
Fresh blackberries Serve alone with the addition of a little sugar or honey or a fruit salad with a combination of berries.
Blooms from May to August. Thereafter, from each flower develops tiny red berry fruit, which later darkens to a deep blue and almost black. Mature in the period from August to October. Taste of young leaves is bitter sweet and aromatic fruit, sweet and juicy.
It is certain that the blackberries in the European area distributed back to ancient times and that the time was known plant almost all nations. Blackberries are distributed across the Northern Hemisphere, from Europe, Asia and North America, in countries with a continental climate. There are hundreds of varieties of blackberries and some are indigenous only to certain areas.


Blackberries are among the super fruit, primarily due to a very healing antioxidants, such as anthocyanins, vitamin C, vitamin E, ellagic acid, caffeic acid, p-coumaric acid, rutin, gallic acid and Cinnamic. Antioxidants participate in the process of preventing the harmful effects of free radicals and thus help protect against cancer, protect the cardiovascular system, slow the aging body, help fight the harmful effects of the sun on your skin, aid in slowing cognitive system diseases (eg Alzheimer's disease) . To fully benefit from the positive properties of blackberries recommended intake along with some other berry fruit, or similar, which results in a synergistic effect and better utilization of medicinal ingredients.
Blackberries are processed and finished products such as jams, juices, syrups, desserts, wines and liquors.
Antioxidants also have antiviral and antibacterial properties. It is interesting to note that the ellagic acid does not destroy the heat treatment, and remains in jams and other delicacies blackberry retaining their beneficial effects. If you regularly consume, blackberries also help in maintaining the respiratory inflammation and thrombosis. Research conducted at the University of Pittsburgh and published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry found that blueberries contain natural substances that destroy leukemia cells.
Significant advantage in consuming blackberries is that the body provides a high content of dietary fiber, which helps cut the risk of diabetes, diverticulosis and create a feeling of fullness, which helps in weight management.
Berries naturally contain salicylic acid (the active ingredient in aspirin), which is used to relieve pain, fever reducing and anti-inflammatory effect. By eating blackberries also contribute to the protection of eyesight, strengthen the immune system, and applied externally to treat minor wounds.
Thanks to the high concentration of phytoestrogens, which was proven scientific studies at the University of Helsinki, examines the role in the prevention of breast cancer and cervical cancer. A high proportion of tannins can improve the healing of minor wounds, soothe indigestion and inflammation of the digestive system. In Germany, health community recommends blackberries to relieve hemorrhoids. Some scientific papers linking tannin content and antitumor effects.

Energy and nutritive value

Energy value of 100 g of fresh blackberries is 43 kcal / 180 kJ of which contains 9.6% carbohydrate, 1.4% protein and 0.5% fat.
From Blackberries contain minerals: potassium (162 mg), calcium (29 mg), phosphorus (22 mg), magnesium (20 mg), iron (0.6 mg), manganese (0.6 mg), zinc (0.5 mg) and copper (0.2 mg).
Of vitamin blackberry include vitamin C (21 mg), vitamin A (11 mcg), vitamin E (1.2 mg) and vitamin K (20 mcg).
Fresh blackberries 100 g containing 5.3 g dietary fiber, beta carotene, 128 mcg and 118 mcg of lutein + zeaxanthin.

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