Saturday, February 23, 2013


Shallots, as the finest member of this family, is used for refined dishes, such as the classic sauces bérnaise, or espagnole sauce with mushrooms and wine. By adding the shallots into a high quality wine vinegar produces a perfect ingredient for salad dressing.

Description and Origin

Onions are among the oldest vegetable crops, and from time immemorial have been used for human consumption. Its smell is aromatic, and the taste of a strong, more or less angry. Taste of ports depends on the climate in which to grow - which is a milder climate, it is a sweeter onion.
The Latin name for the arch in translation means "one", "unique", and there are two reasons. One is that the arc has a single head, unlike its relatives garlic, while the second reason is that the onion itself consists of a number of United, concentrically arranged sheets that make up an onion. It belongs to the kind of vegetables (such as the parsley, celery, pasternjak, leeks ...) which are used as spices, so it is sometimes difficult to determine the real border between the vegetables and spices.
Varieties ports differ in color, size and taste. In spring and summer there is a high variety of spring onion, which has a sweet or medium-strong taste. In autumn harvested onion major peaks that are dried, so after a few months have dry and fragile shell. It has the aroma, and is named by its color - white, yellow and red (purple). This includes shallots, sorta ports with smaller heads.
Onions originated in Asia and the Middle East, and is cultivated over 5000 years. Egyptians are particularly appreciated the value of such a port as it paid the workers who built the pyramids, and the pharaohs (eg Tutankhamun) put onions in tombs to serve them in the afterlife.
In India it is still in the sixth century arch, except in the kitchen, used for treatment. Popularity held in the port of the ancient Greeks and Romans, in particular, have used the poorer classes of people in addition to its simple dishes.
In the Middle Ages it was irreplaceable vegetables in many European countries, and even served as part of a healthy breakfast. Christopher Columbus has extended arc to the west, and today are the largest growers in this widely vegetables China, India, the United States, Russia and Spain.


Particularly strong odor port give substance rich in sulfur, which are also responsible for its medicinal properties. In addition, the arc is rich in chromium, a trace mineral that helps in the cellular reaction to insulin, then vitamin C and numerous flavonoids, especially quercitin.
Angry specific taste and smell of onions due to the essential oils. Their ingredients arc increases appetite and improves digestion of food.
Higher intake port in the body reduces blood glucose levels. In this process the additional element is the presence of chromium in the harbor, which helps cells respond properly to insulin is released. Studies in diabetic patients have shown that chromium can decrease rapidly raise blood sugar, increase the tolerance of cells to glucose, lower insulin levels, and lower cholesterol and triglycerides. One cup of fresh port (about 250 g) contains almost 20% of daily needs for this mineral.
Regular consumption of onions and garlic in the diet reduces high blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the blood, which indirectly affects the prevention of atherosclerosis and heart attack and stroke. Such prevention is the result of a combination of substances rich in sulfur, chromium and vitamin B6 from ports. The research, conducted on 100 000 patients who were eating often entered onions, tea, apples and broccoli, are rich sources of flavonoids, found that they reduce the risk of heart disease by 20%.
Also, using ports in the diet two or more times a week can significantly lower the risk of colon cancer. It turned out that the meat is prepared with onions greatly reduces the amount of carcinogens in relation to meat prepared without onions.
In addition, the arc and reduces inflammation associated with rheumatoid arthritis, colds and allergic reactions responsible for the attack of asthma. Isothiocyanate from harbor anti-inflammatory, and together with quercitin and vitamin C, which destroy harmful bacteria, make arcs ideal addition to soups and stews in the cold and flu season.
In general we can say that the arch has many medicinal properties since, unless it improves your cardiovascular system, and regulate intestinal flora, strengthens immunity, antibacterial and dijuretično and purifies the body.

Energy and nutritive value

Onion is rich in chromium, vitamin C, and numerous flavonoids, especially quercitin.
Onions has only 42 kcal / 176 kJ per 100 g, of which the most energy comes from carbohydrates (92%).
The average chemical composition of the arc is: moisture 91%, protein 1.2%, fat 0.1%, Vitamin C 6 mg/100 g
Its chemical composition there is only one big difference: chives is rich in beta-carotene (3.4 mg/100 g) and vitamin A (0.56 mg/100 g), which is not the case with garlic and onions.
This food is a good source of dietary fiber, vitamin B6, folate and manganese, and it is also a very good source of vitamin C. It contains very little saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium.


Basic blackberry sauce, sugar and water, you can pour over the mousse, parfait or ice cream desserts like ice cream Ricotta and vanilla cream. Compote of blackberry and apple Serve with roasted veal or venison.

Description and Origin

Blackberry is the name for several species of climbing plants of the genus Rubus of the family rose (Rosaceae). Usually grow in protected places along forest edges, fences, paths, hedges or the woods. Blackberry has the form spiny shrub with long, curved branches, and can reach a height of 50-300 cm. Tree of them is more or less covered with thorns and places is numb. Spines used for climbing, but also as a defense mechanism against animals that feed on the leaves of blackberry. The leaves are pinnate, on the edge serrated toothed, upper surface dark green and smooth, and the bottom covered with densely tomentose hairs.
Fresh blackberries Serve alone with the addition of a little sugar or honey or a fruit salad with a combination of berries.
Blooms from May to August. Thereafter, from each flower develops tiny red berry fruit, which later darkens to a deep blue and almost black. Mature in the period from August to October. Taste of young leaves is bitter sweet and aromatic fruit, sweet and juicy.
It is certain that the blackberries in the European area distributed back to ancient times and that the time was known plant almost all nations. Blackberries are distributed across the Northern Hemisphere, from Europe, Asia and North America, in countries with a continental climate. There are hundreds of varieties of blackberries and some are indigenous only to certain areas.


Blackberries are among the super fruit, primarily due to a very healing antioxidants, such as anthocyanins, vitamin C, vitamin E, ellagic acid, caffeic acid, p-coumaric acid, rutin, gallic acid and Cinnamic. Antioxidants participate in the process of preventing the harmful effects of free radicals and thus help protect against cancer, protect the cardiovascular system, slow the aging body, help fight the harmful effects of the sun on your skin, aid in slowing cognitive system diseases (eg Alzheimer's disease) . To fully benefit from the positive properties of blackberries recommended intake along with some other berry fruit, or similar, which results in a synergistic effect and better utilization of medicinal ingredients.
Blackberries are processed and finished products such as jams, juices, syrups, desserts, wines and liquors.
Antioxidants also have antiviral and antibacterial properties. It is interesting to note that the ellagic acid does not destroy the heat treatment, and remains in jams and other delicacies blackberry retaining their beneficial effects. If you regularly consume, blackberries also help in maintaining the respiratory inflammation and thrombosis. Research conducted at the University of Pittsburgh and published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry found that blueberries contain natural substances that destroy leukemia cells.
Significant advantage in consuming blackberries is that the body provides a high content of dietary fiber, which helps cut the risk of diabetes, diverticulosis and create a feeling of fullness, which helps in weight management.
Berries naturally contain salicylic acid (the active ingredient in aspirin), which is used to relieve pain, fever reducing and anti-inflammatory effect. By eating blackberries also contribute to the protection of eyesight, strengthen the immune system, and applied externally to treat minor wounds.
Thanks to the high concentration of phytoestrogens, which was proven scientific studies at the University of Helsinki, examines the role in the prevention of breast cancer and cervical cancer. A high proportion of tannins can improve the healing of minor wounds, soothe indigestion and inflammation of the digestive system. In Germany, health community recommends blackberries to relieve hemorrhoids. Some scientific papers linking tannin content and antitumor effects.

Energy and nutritive value

Energy value of 100 g of fresh blackberries is 43 kcal / 180 kJ of which contains 9.6% carbohydrate, 1.4% protein and 0.5% fat.
From Blackberries contain minerals: potassium (162 mg), calcium (29 mg), phosphorus (22 mg), magnesium (20 mg), iron (0.6 mg), manganese (0.6 mg), zinc (0.5 mg) and copper (0.2 mg).
Of vitamin blackberry include vitamin C (21 mg), vitamin A (11 mcg), vitamin E (1.2 mg) and vitamin K (20 mcg).
Fresh blackberries 100 g containing 5.3 g dietary fiber, beta carotene, 128 mcg and 118 mcg of lutein + zeaxanthin.


Given that the cucumbers peak season in the summer months, it is not surprising that this is the most refreshing using raw vegetables and well chilled in combination with a variety of foods.

Description and Origin

If you want to get the most out of this refreshing vegetables, use it until two days after purchase.
Cucumber fruit is oblong in shape and dark green. On the surface has warts, and when ripened, has a smooth surface. The fruit is full of seeds žućkastobijelih.
Cucumbers originated in Asia, where they drank the juice as a refreshing during the hot summer days. There are already grown 5000 BC, and his relatives gourd and watermelon. It is believed that his origin from India, which are relayed to Greece and Italy, and later in China. The healing properties of cucumber was known physicians in the time of ancient Egypt.


A large proportion of water makes cucumber excellent diuretic, effectively removes accumulated toxins, stimulates the kidneys and gall bladder. In combination with dietary fiber which itself contains stimulates the colon and protects the body from cancer-causing substances.
Mineral composition of cucumber interesting though is the amount of something simpler. Potassium, which has the highest of all minerals promotes flexibility of muscles and helps in regulating blood pressure.
Cucumbers are an excellent complement to the dairy so that in many cuisines of Southeast Europe prepared salad of cucumbers with added yogurt or buttermilk.
Numerous references recommends the juice of the cucumber useful silicic acid, which contains trace. Silicic acid is very important for maintaining the health of connective tissue of muscles, ligaments, cartilage, bones, improves the complexion and maintains the health of skin and is associated with water, naturally hydrates and gives the skin a healthy glow.
Cucumber can be applied to the skin in the case of swollen eyes, skin irritation or burns. Cucumber extracts are used in products for skin rejuvenation. Soothing and mild effect of this vegetable is attributed to kafeinskoj acid and vitamin C to prevent water retention and give the feeling of cold typical of the cucumber. It was recently discovered that the caffeic acid antioxidant and anticancer and anti-inflammatory activity, which is an additional plus for cucumber.
Cucumber juice is also beneficial for diseases of the teeth and gums, especially in cases of bleeding gums. Cucumber supposedly helps with rheumatism, although not revealed in any way.
Peel of cucumber can be used to soothe skin after washing of exposure to strong detergents and hot water.
For those who aspire to digest a cucumber, it is recommended that you cut into small pieces, salt sea salt and leave for several hours in the refrigerator before eating.

Energy and nutritive value
Energy value of 100 g of fresh peeled cucumber is 12 kcal / 52 kJ. Since it contains 2.16% carbohydrate, 0.59% protein and 0.7% fat.
Cucumber contains minerals from potassium (136 mg), phosphorus (21 mg), calcium (14 mg), magnesium (12 mg), iron (0.22 mg), zinc (0.17 mg), manganese (0.07 mg ), copper (0.07 mg) and selenium (0.1 mg).
Since vitamin fresh cucumber contains Vitamin C (3.2 mg), vitamin B complex, thiamine (0.03 mg), riboflavin (0.03 mg), niacin (0.04 mg), pantothenic acid (0.24 mg), pyridoxine (0.05 mg), choline (5.7 mg) and vitamin K (7.2 mg).
In 100 g of fresh peeled cucumber is 0.7 g fiber, beta-carotene, 31 mg, 18 mg cryptoxanthin, lutein and zeaxanthin, 16 mg.


At the time of the Greeks and Romans it was a wild plant, a symbol of the goddess Venus because of its shape and color, and her first botanical illustrations were published in the 1454th year. Belgium she has dedicated a museum.


This fruit is also used as a filling for cakes and fruit pies, rolls, pancakes and dumplings made ​​from potato dough.
Strawberries are fruits low shrubs plant that grows wild but is also cultivated systematically. Belonging to the family Rosaceae (rose), which on a long stalk with three scaly leaves. They flower is white, and the fruit red.
Cultivation have grown very large and red strawberries. From garden strawberry known as pineapple strawberry fruit big and sweet-sour taste.


Folic acid is a water-soluble vitamin B-9, is important in blood formation and participates in the metabolism of amino acids. Lack of this vitamin in the diet causes fatigue and anemia, and insufficient intake of folate increases the risk of colorectal cancer. Folic acid is the synthetic form of folate, which can be taken as a vitamin supplement or fortified foods this vitamin. When found in foods as a natural ingredient called folate, and most contain ga strawberries, oranges, green leafy vegetables and asparagus.
Vitamin C from food acts as a powerful antioxidant that reduces the risk of the formation of some types of cancer: mouth, throat, stomach, colon, and lung. Demonstrated the greater effectiveness of vitamin C naturally contained in foods such as strawberries, from that taken as a vitamin supplement (supplement), which is associated with the interaction of vitamin C and other ingredients in the food.
Antioxidants provide protection by destroying the body of free radicals, which damage cells and contribute to the onset of cancer and heart disease, accelerating the aging process. The content of antioxidants in strawberries are seven times higher than in apples or bananas and two times higher than in oranges or grapes.
Plant phenols include flavonoids and phenolic acids. They are found in almost every fruits, vegetables and grains, and significantly affect the stability and properties of food (flavor and color). In addition, plant phenols have an important role in preventing the oxidation of fats in the body.

Energy and nutritive value

According to the pyramid diet, recommended to take 2-4 servings of fruit a day. As a unit of meals taken 8 medium size strawberries, which is approximately 150 g Energy value per unit is 50 kcal meal.
Strawberries are an excellent source of folate (one serving of strawberries provides 20% of the recommended daily requirement) and vitamin C (one serving of strawberries provides 140% of the recommended daily requirement), and contain plant phenols which, along with antioxidants, reduces the risk of cancer and heart disease.
A good source of dietary fiber - one meal provided 16% of the recommended daily requirement. Dietary fiber are beneficial to the digestive system, lowers blood cholesterol, reduce the risk of heart disease and protect against cancer of the colon.


Peas can be cooked by steaming with a small amount of water. When cooking, put the less liquid the beans to rest as much nutritional value. If you want to add more pea flavor, use water instead of stock.

Description and Origin

Pea is an annual herbaceous plant of the legume family, great nutritional value and vegetable crops, as it belongs to a group of grain legumes.
A man not used for food ferocious wild peas, although the oldest sites of pea occurring in the Neolithic period. Pease has been found in old Greek tombs 6000 years before Christ, and in southern Russia in the 5000 year old archaeological layers. In Europe, the peas arrived early Middle Ages to the time of the great migrations. Europeans in 17th Century gladly prepare their favorite dishes of peas.
Peas are grown almost all over the world, mostly in Russia, China, India and the U.S., respectively, thrives in areas with cool, moist climate. It is a plant that is very cost-effective because it provides relatively high yields and can be easily preserved and that is why use all year round.
Podravka is for you to prepare frozen peas packed in pouches and canned peas in cans of different weights, so the beans can be enjoyed throughout the year at any time, whenever you want.


Peas full of vitamins, minerals and an excellent source of fiber and nutrients that can help preserve health.
Pease has been found in old Greek tombs 6000 years before Christ, and in southern Russia in the 5000 year old archaeological slojevima.Održava bone health and cardiovascular system because it is an excellent source of vitamin K (24% of the recommended daily intake), which activates osteocalcin, which helps calcium incorporation in bones and maintains normal blood clotting. A good source of folic acid and vitamin B6. These nutrients prevent the buildup of homocysteine, which disrupts the binding of collagen in the bones, which can lead to osteoporosis, and contributes to atherosclerosis.
Peas also provides nutrients to help in the prevention of cancer, for example, vitamin C, which is effective as an antioxidant. Vitamin C protects the DNA from damage, helps the body to fight pollution and toxic substances from the environment, boosts immune function and inhibit the carcinogenic substances in the body (eg nitrosamines). Beta-carotene, a provitamin of vitamin A, which has the beans, also helps in preventing various types of cancer and heart disease.
Pease is a good source of iron (10% of the recommended daily intake), which is needed to build cells in the blood, and whose deficiency causes anemia, fatigue and a weakened immune system.
The shell contains compounds difficult to digest, such as fiber and pectic substances, so it is recommended to use dried fruit in the form of flour or peeled, mashed example. Prepared as a soup or porridge, fruit peas are not only the most delicious, but above all the most acceptable and easier to digest. Fiber can help to prevent colon cancer.
People who have problems with the stomach and intestines must avoid dried fruits because they cause the creation of undesirable acids and bloating. Kidney patients should avoid dried fruits because of the high protein content, but may enjoy the new peas without salt. Due to the presence of purines, is not recommended in patients of gout.
In folk medicine pea flour is used for the treatment of rashes, and ulcers in the form of paste-like wet and hot lining.

Energy and nutritive value

Peas belong to legumes, vegetables richest in nutrients, and 100 g contains 81 kcal / 339 kJ. A rich source of carbohydrates (14.46%) and fiber forms galaktana, glucuronic acid, fructose, glucose and other compounds. High protein content (5.42%) due to a root nodules in containing bacteria (Bacterium radicicola) that bind nitrogen from the air and convert it into valuable amino acids and then into proteins. Along with proteins and carbohydrates, it is worth mentioning fats and lecithin, a substance important for the nervous system.
During the germination of pea developed vitamins C and E, which is an excellent source of vitamin C (50% of the recommended daily intake), but the dried fruits ga has a trace. Antisterilitetni Vitamin E comes in small quantities, but it is stable during cooking. Vitamin A has a trace. Pea is an excellent source of thiamin-B1 in dried fruit, and a good source of riboflavin and niacin-B2-B3, which participate in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
It is important to include beans in your diet if you often feel tired because its nutrients foster energy within the body cell.


If you thought that only melon served as dessert, you're wrong. The most famous cold appetizer of us is a combination of prosciutto and melon, and summer is excellent preparation for the cold soup with the addition of orange and lemon juice, cinnamon and mint.

Description and Origin

Melon is a hardy plant originally from Asia, and belongs to the family Cucurbitaceae, or pumpkin.
The fruit is round or elongated oval-shaped mass of 1-2 kg. Hard crust can be smooth, wrinkled or reticulated with flaps. The inner, usually edible part of an orange or zelenkastobijeli and the cavity filled with seeds.
In China it was known for 1000 years before Christ. The Bible mentions that the Israelites when they left Egypt with Moses forty years wandering in the desert, complaining to his favorite food, especially cantaloupe.
Images from the cities of Herculaneum and Pompeii (AD 79) suggest that the Romans knew the melon.


Very important positive effects on the health of the organism melon: The most cold appetizer in us is the combination of prosciutto and melon, and goes excellently in salads with chicken or seafood.
content of vitamin C and A, which also act as antioxidants, protecting the body against cardiovascular disease and aging
water and potassium stimulate kidney function, assisting in the removal of harmful substances from the body, and potassium has a beneficial effect in people with high blood pressure because it reduces
the beneficial effect of fiber helps digestion and helps to reduce body weight and abdominal bloating
because of its high content of beta-carotene, cantaloupe is among anticancer foods
lump of squeezed melon juice or grated melon is used for pain relief.

Energy and nutritive value

According to the guidelines of proper nutrition pyramid, melon is in a group with other kinds of fruit. For this group of foods is recommended 2-4 servings a day.
Low energy value of melons and a high proportion of water make that food is very popular in the summer. Melon fruit for consumption must be fully ripe, very juicy, sweet flavor, aroma and refreshing effect.
Energy value of melon is only 34 kcal per 100 g of fresh foods.
In 100 grams of fresh melon has an average of 91 g of water, 0.1 g fat, 0.8 g protein, 7.9 g carbohydrates, 8 g sugar and 0.9 g fiber.
Melon is extremely rich in vitamin C (31% of the RDA in 100g), and some species (eg cantaloupe) are rich in vitamin A, which is present in the form of beta-carotene (10% of RDA in 100g).
It also contains other vitamins and minerals, although in smaller amounts: thiamine, niacin, vitamin B6, folate, pantothenic acid, iron, magnesium, copper, potassium, manganese, phosphorus.

Friday, February 22, 2013


Whole banana wrapped with cream in the middle will give the required taste and visual contrast of dark meat roll, cut in slices, add to fruit salads, and halved banana Serve with ice cream.

Description and Origin

Banana is known in Malaysia for more than 4000 years ago, where it was transferred to the Philippines and India, and information on its growth has brought the army of Alexander the Great's 327th BC.
The Arab traders brought it to Africa where they met with her Portuguese who in the late 15th century passed in the Americas. Today, the largest of its growers in Costa Rica, Mexico, Ecuador and Brazil. Thanks to the cooling system and the possibility of rapid transport to the fruit can be bought at markets in all parts of the world.
Banana is a plant that belongs to the family Liliaceae with lilies and orchids. Her trees can grow to eight feet tall. At the top of the tree are large, succulent, green and torn leaves that are quite soft so they break easily. Between the sheets appear one long branch with hanging blossom of about 1 meter in length. The flowers are yellow, and the fruits of the same name as the plant grows in the form of clusters which may contain 50-150 individual fruits.
The average banana weighs about 120 grams and long about 15 cm. Content within the crust is fleshy, soft part cream to yellow, orange, or even hazel color. It can be tough, rubbery even when unripe, changing in a gentle and satenast, or soft and starchy when ripe. Taste is mild and sweet or polukiseo with apple aroma. One of the hallmarks of a banana is its distinctive yellow color of ripe fruit, but not all of these bananas.
Ripe bananas can be dried and milled to a powder is necessary, which do not lose their flavor. They are used in food and dairy industry.
Of logs, bark and leaves of bananas for food for the animals.
Today it is more widespread than 100 subspecies of bananas that are covered by two types: sweet banana (Musa sapient, Musa nana) and flour banana (Musa paradisiaca).


Banana is a plant that belongs to the family Liliaceae with lilies and orchids. Her trees can grow to eight feet tall.
Banana is rich in potassium, a key mineral that helps normalize blood pressure, heart function, work cells, nerves and muscles. Many previous studies have shown that a diet rich in potassium, magnesium and dietary fiber reduces the risk of heart attack.
Ripe bananas contain compounds that act in two ways: by activating the epithelial cells lining the stomach to produce a thick protective layer of mucus, which is stomach acid barrier and eliminate the bacteria from the stomach (especially Helicobacter pylori) for which it is known to cause ulcer. In one of the studies showed that a mixture of banana and milk significantly reduces gastric acid secretion.
Bananas are a good source of pectin, a soluble fiber, which absorbs the liquid and thus support the normal peristalsis (movement) alimentary canal and facilitate excretion of stools.
Bananas also increase the body's own ability to absorb calcium, and thus indirectly the fruit helps to slow down the loss of calcium from bones in diseases such as osteoporosis.
A large amount of fructooligosaccharides in banana foods are probiotic bacteria, normal inhabitants of our intestines, which are more abundant, and in this way, and their production of vitamins and digestive enzymes that allow absorption of important nutrients, including calcium. A related and significantly reduce the risk of breast cancer.

Energy and nutritive value

Creamy, sweet and rich in dietary fiber and vitamins, a banana is a fruit that is worshiped by all generations. It is an ideal fruit for toddlers because it rarely causes allergies, and athletes is a source of energy and potassium. The combination of pectin and starch provides complex carbohydrates, whose decomposition releases energy gradually.
One banana (about 100 g) is 89 kcal / 372 kJ. Bananas contain 74% water, 1% protein, 0.5% fat, 13.5% sugar, 23% carbohydrates and 3.4% plant fiber. They are rich in potassium and contain magnesium, calcium, fluorine, phosphorus, iron, zinc and copper. Bananas are also rich in vitamins and, most contain beta-carotene, B group vitamins, and vitamins C and E.
This fruit is a good source of vitamin B6 and a good source of dietary fiber, vitamin C, potassium and manganese.
Unripe bananas contain about 25% starch and only about 1% sugar. Natural ripening enzymatic reactions leading to the conversion of the high level of sugar from starch, so ripe bananas contain about 20% sugar. It also contains probiotics, sugar, fructooligosaccharides (inulin).

Sunday, February 17, 2013


Aesthetically sliced ​​and cured for several hours in cold water, whole radishes can be turned into beautiful decorative food seasonings. Halved and hollowed radishes can be great cold appetizer if you fill them with stuffing of soft cheese.

Description and Origin

Rudhira the Sanskrit word, or rude, or tiller reod the Saxon, means blood or red paint, and hence the name of this vegetable plants, defined dye her roots. Radishes grow in laces along with the leaves, and with radishes and black radishes, belong to the same botanical family as beets, kohlrabi and kolerabica.
It is believed that radish originated from southern Asia and may have descended from wild species Raphanus raphanistrum, which grows along the coast of the Mediterranean, and is extensively cultivated in Egypt at the time of the pharaohs. As an ancient cultural plant, cultivated in China more than 3000 years, and is particularly appreciated by the Greeks and Romans. In France, not cultivated until the 16th century, and today is the most grown in the Loire region, where it is available throughout the year.
Radish is one of the rare plants 20-30 days after sowing with a very crisp, juicy and hrustav root, tasty, slightly reskog flavors. Radish has a similar biochemical composition and black radish, but it contains a lot less acid mustard, and it is therefore tastier and easier to digest.


Radish in the diet used as an aperitif, to smell and taste, because it encourages the secretion of gastric juice. Facilitates digestion by stimulating the secretion of digestive juices and bowel function, and is recommended for people who suffer from constipation.
Rudhira the Sanskrit word, or rude, or tiller reod the Saxon, means blood or red paint, and hence the name of this vegetable biljke.Svjež radish juice obtained from an old folk remedy, and helps with the secretion of bile and is very good for the treatment of inflammation gallbladder.
Beneficial effect on the secretion of mucus from the respiratory organs, and is recommended for bronchitis, colds, flu, respiratory infections, and coughing. Reduces headache.
Not recommended for people who have inflammation, stomach and intestines, stomach ulcers, or kidney patients.

Energy and nutritive value

This popular spring vegetable is low in calories, but it is full of flavor and crunchy. Energy value radish is small - at 100 g is 16 kcal / 67 kJ, of which 95.27% of waste water, carbohydrates has 3.40%, and the amount of protein and fat is negligible.
Half a cup of sliced ​​radishes (about 12 radishes medium size) provides an abundant amount of potassium, vitamin C, folate and dietary fiber.
An excellent source of vitamin C and meet the 31.25% of the recommended daily requirement, and other vitamins and minerals has a trace. Vitamin C helps in the formation of collagen, helps in the absorption of iron from plant keeps gums healthy, accelerates wound healing, enhances the immune system, participates in the synthesis of neurotransmitters in the brain. Furthermore, a powerful antioxidant that the body expels carcinogenic free radicals. According to research, the National Institute on Aging and the USDA has been proven that vitamin C increases the level of HDL (high density lipoprotein), also known as "good cholesterol", which washes away the fat from the arteries, thus reducing the risk of heart attack.
Of minerals and vitamins, radish contains calcium (25 mg), and phosphorus (20 mg), potassium (233 mg), iron (0.34 mg). The ratio of calcium and phosphorus is such that it allows good utilization of calcium.
Pigment anthocyanins, which give color to the roots of radish, arouses public interest because of its beneficial health properties. Research that is conducted with the purpose of testing the antioxidant properties, it has been found that the stronger the color intensity increases and antioxidant activity. Antioxidants in the human diet are associated with a reduction in heart disease, some cancers and diseases of macular degeneration.

Thursday, February 14, 2013


One of the fruits which are used completely. Its crust contains aromatic oils that will enrich the air with its citrus scent. Refreshing juice will awaken the taste buds turn if you add it to savory or sweet dish.

Background and Description

Lemon (Citrus limon x) is a tree of the genus Citrus (family Rutaceae). Hybrid Fruit ancient crossroads, presumably, pomelo and citron. Ancient citron (Citrus medica) was smaller and shriveled bark, and was used in Mesopotamia around 6000 years ago. It is believed that lemon and orange comes from China and India. About 700 was imported to Persia, Iraq and Egypt. It is often used as an ornamental plant. In Europe the first lemons imported to Genoa in mid-15th century. He arrived in America 1493rd year, with Christopher Columbus. Word lemon originated from the Arabic word lemon (لیمون).
With us in our situation develops citrus vegetative growth several times over the years.
Lemon is a subtropical evergreen fruit tree, small tree, grows from 3 to 6 feet. Young shoots and leaves are purple flower. The fruit is yellow, the interior is a colorless, oval to almost round in shape, usually with stem slightly depressed with a pointed end at the opposite end.
Crust can be slightly rough or smooth, while the inner side is coated with a white spongy envelope called albedo and is not edible. Lemons leaves are dark green and grow alternately on the stem. The flowers are white and fragrant, with five petals. The plant is sometimes grown as a decoration, but generally crops are grown in order to obtain fruit.
In the appropriate climate lemon tree bore twice a year. Spring flowering from which grow the best fruit for at least two months. Also as long ripe fruits can wait picking up the branch, which allows continuous harvesting throughout the winter, from November to April or May. Another flowering, which is in commercial plantations causes involuntary, is in August and September, and the fruits are starting to gather in May, immediately after the harvest last winter fruits.
With us in our situation, lemon develops vegetative growth several times over the years. Because the lemon trees are often found at the same time flowers and fruits in various stages of development.

Healing properties

Lemon is almost synonymous with vitamin C. The cold and flu season is certainly well more often consume lemon to contribute to strengthening the resilience of the body. Furthermore scientific studies have claimed that vitamin C can reduce the occurrence of colon cancer and inflammatory conditions such as asthma, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
Lemon contains a diverse and unique phytonutrients that have significant antioxidant and antibiotic properties. Scientists from the U.S. Agricultural Research Service (ARS) found that limonoids body absorbs just as much vitamin C. limonoids are easily digested and released into the digestive system, and plasma remain for up to 24 hours, which is much longer than other similar nutrients (phenols from green tea and hot chocolate are available 4-6 pm). Bioučinkovitost and length of retention levels explain its powerful anticancer properties. Preliminary examination of the LFS show their effect on lowering cholesterol. Research conducted at the Australian CSIRO Research Institute found that limonin may reduce the occurrence of cancer of the mouth and throat by a whopping 40-50%.
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends the consumption of citrus fruits for preserving health of the cardiovascular system. Present nutrients and prevent the oxidation of cholesterol buildup on artery walls, which can cause a stroke or heart attack.
Lemon is also a source of dietary fiber, which contribute to lowering cholesterol, promoting the colon and reduce the occurrence of constipation, relieves symptoms that occur in people with the syndrome iritiranog colon, giving a feeling of satiety and thus helping to regulate weight.
Although it seems that due to the strong acidity may be inappropriate for the digestive system, the tests show that dissolved in water can very effectively relieve nausea, heartburn, flatulence, stimulate the liver and intestine. A study published in the British Journal of Nutrition found that women who regularly pile of citrus juice reduced the formation of kidney stones. Lemon juice mixed with warm water and honey promotes weight loss and helps in the treatment of throat infections and gum disease.
Lemon contributes to the health and beauty of skin, thanks to its antioxidant properties slows aging, contributing to cleanliness of the skin and eliminate blackheads and acne. Lemon juice can help remove mild stains on the skin. Effective in the fight against dandruff and hair loss after shampooing lemon juice gives the hair shine and volume and gently lightens hair.

Energy and nutritive value of properties

Energy value of 100 g of fresh lemon is 29 kcal/121 kJ. Since it contains 9.3% carbohydrate, 1.1% protein and 0.3% fat.
Since minerals are found in lemon calcium (26 mg, which makes 3.25% RDA), iron (0.6 mg, which makes 4.3% RDA), Magnesium (8 mg, which makes 2.1% of the RDA), phosphorus (16 mg which is 2.2% RDA), zinc (0.06 mg, which makes 0.6% RDA), copper (0.04 mg, representing 4% of the RDA) and manganese (0.03 mg, which accounts for 1.5% RDA).
Since vitamin Lemon contains vitamin C (53 mg, which represents 66% RDA), thiamine (0.04 mg, representing 4% of the RDA), riboflavin (0.02 mg, representing 1.4% of the RDA), pantothenic acid (0.2 mg, which represents 3% of the RDA), Vitamin B6 (0.08 mg, which is composed of 5% RDA).
Among other nutrients per 100 g lemon contains 3 grams of fiber and carotenoids - 20 mcg cryptoxanthin and lutein and zeaxanthin 11 mcg.


Apple makes it easy to digest, and it also contains many useful substances that stimulate the immune system. Than crude, often used as a filling for pies, strudels, hot cakes, pancakes and krustade.

Description and Origin

Apple tree is commonly cultivated trees in the world, and as growing wild in Europe in prehistoric times. Tame apple is a native of southern Siberia and Asia, and the Greeks and Romans bred different varieties.
Apple tree can be up to 12 m high, with a branched crown you build ovate leaves. In May blooms pale pink to white flowers, and the fruits ripen from July to October, depending on the varieties of apples.
Apple is among the most abundant species of fruit, refreshing, sour-sweet flavor and aroma. Celebrities are numerous varieties (about 10 000), which differ in taste, sweetness and acidity, juiciness and consistency.


Apple is among the most abundant species of fruit, refreshing, sour-sweet flavor and aroma. It is known around 10 000 varieties.
Apple is usually eaten raw, but also baked, cooked, dried, processed into juices, jams, jams, jellies, and is well known and highly respected cider vinegar.
Apple cider vinegar is a product obtained by fermenting apple or fermented apple juice. It is used in traditional medicine because of the significant presence of potassium, a key mineral ingredient necessary for health. The importance of the potassium that binds and other useful mineral substances: phosphorous, magnesium, calcium, sulfur, iron, fluorine, and to a lesser extent, other minerals. It is eaten in various combinations, often with honey and water.
Fresh apples are recommended to eat half an hour before or several hours after eating. Apples contain a large percentage of water in which are dissolved nutrients, and passes through the stomach within 15-20 minutes, so everything is quickly absorbed. Does eating apples with other foods, especially fatty and rich in protein, along with them will be retained in the stomach for several hours.
Apple is a regular component of the diet for weight loss, for several reasons. Thanks pectin content (insoluble fiber that swells in contact with water), Apple manages to create an added sense of fullness and satiety. In addition, apples contain monosaccharide fructose, the sugar that can cause satisfaction of the desire for sweet, and that there are no major changes in the concentration of glucose in the blood. For this reason, and consequently does not increase the secretion of the hormone insulin, which can stimulate the storage of sugar and fat from making sugar. Recent research shows that tannic acid contained in apples significantly affect the metabolism of fats and prevents their deposition in the liver. Apples are brought plenty of water (which is desirable in reducing diets), vitamins and minerals, dietary fiber, which helps regulate the chair and give a feeling of satiety, and increases the excretion of urine.
Apple makes it easy to digest, and it also contains many useful substances that stimulate the immune system, prevents the deposition of fat in the liver and protects against cancer.
From bioflavonoids apple contains the most anthocyanins, which are concentrated in the crust and give apple red. For this reason, it is advisable to eat apples with their skin, not because of the content of vitamin C because it is evenly distributed throughout the fruit. Anthocyanins have anti-inflammatory, protective effect on the liver and heart and hinder cancer development and function and stimulating the immune system. Bioflavonoids enhance the action of vitamin C, and this is just a desirable combination of apples, you should definitely include in your daily diet.

Energy and nutritive value

Apple fruit is rich in nutrients, whose amount depends on the type and the method of cultivation, and almost all the necessary nutrients are present at least in small quantities.
On average, the water is 82% of the fruit, carbohydrates, has about 12% fat, and protein together about 1%, and the pulp of the fruit in an amount of about 1%. Aside from the basic substance, apple contains a number of other ingredients necessary for the human body: sugar (glucose, fructose and sucrose), insoluble fiber (pectin), organic acids (ratio of sugar and acid determines the sweetness), all of the essential and non-essential amino acids (but in a very small amounts), aromatic substances, color (chlorophyll, karoteonidi and anthocyanins), vitamins and minerals (especially a lot of potassium), and even fat (seeds contain 24% oil).
Apple also contains 3.3 g dietary fiber - more than 10% of the daily recommended amount of fiber that experts in nutrition.


Oranges are usually eaten fresh as a dessert or add fruit salad. Can be flame, an essential ingredient of pancakes Crepes Suzette, and is ideal for preparing mousse (crema), souffle, ice cream, sorbet and grenades.

Description and Origin

Sauces based on orange juice will go down well with the well-cooked chicken, but also with creams and mousses based on chocolate or vanilla.
Orange is a round juicy fruit tree orange with orange or yellow rind and sweet, juicy flesh, divided into segments that may or may not need to contain the seeds. Most likely originate from warmer regions of Southeast Asia and southern China, and are mentioned in the beginning of the Christian era in Indian and Chinese texts. Orange, familiar and ancient world because it is believed that the mythical golden apples "Hesperidum small" actually orange.
Oranges were probably brought to Europe Arabs (in Spain) and the Crusaders in France.
There are several types of oranges, and differ in size, color and quality.


Vitamin C participates in many oxidoreduction processes in the body, enhances the absorption of iron, accelerates many metabolic processes, contributing to the defense capabilities and vitality, participates in the formation of collagen - an important connective tissue in bone, cartilage and skin. Vitamin C helps fight fatigue, colds and flu. Acts as an antioxidant and effective in the prophylaxis of certain cancers.
Pectin is a component of the polysaccharides contained in the cell wall. Pectin forms a gel in the intestine that covers the intestinal mucosa by binding bile acids in the digestive system and thus reduces the absorption of fat and cholesterol, especially LDL cholesterol ("bad"), while the concentration of protective HDL-cholesterol remained unchanged. Pectin gel coating the lining of intestines and prevents the absorption of sugar after a meal, which is particularly important in the diet of diabetics.
Phytochemicals are biologically active ingredients unnutritious foods of plant origin, whose antioxidant properties have a positive impact on health by reducing the risk of various diseases.
From orange juice contains phytochemicals terpenes (carotenoids and limonoids) and flavonoids (hesperidin, neo, naringin, tangeretin). Terpenes have extremely strong antioxidant effects in protecting the body from free radicals. Carotenoids improves immunity and protects skin cells from harmful solar radiation. Limonoids protect the lungs and stimulate liver function, detoxification enzymes.
Flavonoids have proven anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and antiviral activity. Potentiate the action of vitamin C and enhance its absorption. Protect the body against cardiovascular disease and cancer.
Scientific Research Organisation for Scientific and Industrial Research Commonwealth (CSIRO) have shown that consumption of citrus fruits can reduce the risk of cancer of the oral cavity, larynx, esophagus and stomach to 50%. An extra portion of citrus fruit a day, with five recommended daily servings of fruits and vegetables, could also reduce the risk of stroke by 19%. Australian study, based on 498 international studies on the beneficial health effects of citrus fruits, also shows that this fruit may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, obesity and diabetes.

Energy and nutritive value

Orange is a valuable source of vitamins and minerals is an excellent source
Vitamin C (52% of RDA - recommended daily allowance per serving), thiamine, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, folate, potassium, calcium and magnesium. Because adequate mineral content has properties remineralizanta - helps remove toxins from the body.
Of the organic acid includes citric, maleic, and others in smaller quantities. Besides the orange pulp and rind are used to with plenty of vitamins and minerals and contains essential oil, tannins, bitter substances, pectin, and phytochemicals. If the bark is used, it is very important that the fruit is grown organically, without pesticides and other chemicals.
The essential oil is the main component of limonene (about 96%), and the distinctive aroma comes from citrala and citronelala.


Upon effectiveness of the treatment and prevention of some cancers broccoli is in first place, followed by followed by broccoli sprouts, cabbage, green onions and red cabbage. Stimulates production of antitumor enzyme, so it is recommended to increase the body's resistance.

Description and Origin

Broccoli contains a variety of biologically active compounds (phytochemicals), whose antioxidant properties have a positive impact on health.
Broccoli is known for more than 2000 years. In 16th century, broccoli is grown in Italy and France. Name of the plant comes from the Italian word 'Brocco' meaning shoot, shoots.
On Croatian soil is brought from Italy, first on the coast and some islands.
Even today, most grown in Dalmatia.
Broccoli is a popular vegetable from the brassica family which still belong to the Brussels sprouts, cabbage, kohlrabi, cauliflower, kale, etc. It is the original form of cauliflower is grown for the central and lateral shoots of green flower placed on the unfolding and soft stem.


Besides the abundance of nutrients, broccoli contains various biologically active compounds (phytochemicals), whose antioxidant properties have a positive impact on health, reducing the risk of certain cancers and heart disease.
Broccoli is due to their specific structure and properties nutraceuticals become the focus of scientific research - contains active substances that contain sulfur - indole carbinol and sulforaphane.
Sulforaphane stimulates the natural defense mechanisms in the fight against certain types of cancer (cancer of the stomach and colon).
Also sulforaphane kills the bacteria Helicobacter pylori, which can contribute to the occurrence of ulcers and cancers of the stomach, even if it is resistant to common antibiotics.
Preliminary laboratory studies have shown that indole carbinol, which is found naturally in broccoli, cabbage and Brussels sprouts can attack Herpes simplex virus and prevent the factors that help the reproduction of the virus.
As an excellent source of vitamin C provides protection of LDL cholesterol from oxidative damage. Vitamin C is required for the formation of collagen, the "glue" that strengthens many parts of the body such as muscles and blood vessels. Has an important role in wound healing and anti-allergic effect.
This vitamin promotes the formation of bile, helps defend against viruses and detoxify the body. Although vitamin C has little effect in preventing the common cold, it shortens the duration and reduces the symptoms of colds.
Demonstrated the greater effectiveness of vitamin C naturally contained in the food than taken as a vitamin supplement (supplement), which is connected with each other by joint action of vitamin C and other ingredients in the food.
Upon effectiveness of the treatment and prevention of some cancers broccoli is in first place, followed by followed by broccoli sprouts, cabbage, green onions and red cabbage. It stimulates the creation of anticancer enzymes, it is recommended to consume is to increase the body's resistance to tumors and to help in the fight against certain types of tumors.
Be aware of the cooking time is longer because broccoli preparation reduces the content of valuable components in broccoli and changing organoleptic properties (appearance, color and texture).

Energy and nutritive value

Energy value of fresh broccoli is only 34 kcal per 100 g in 100 grams of fresh broccoli is 89 percent water, 0.37 g fat, 2.8 g protein, 6.6 g carbohydrates, 1.7 g of sugar and 2.6 g dietary fiber.
Besides macronutrients, broccoli is a valuable source of vitamins and minerals - vitamin C, provitamin A, vitamin B6, pantothenic acid, riboflavin, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and potassium.
Broccoli is an excellent source of vitamin C (97% of the RDA per serving), which is soluble in water and acts as a powerful antioxidant. It is also a good source of folate (14% of the RDA per serving), Vitamin A (12% of the RDA per serving), pantothenic acid (10% of the RDA per serving), vitamin B6 (12% of the RDA per serving).
Comparison of content of nutrients in fresh and frozen broccoli (based on 100 g of food) shows some differences. Frozen broccoli contains minor amounts of lutein and zeaxanthin, vitamins (except vitamin A and E) and higher amounts of beta-carotene.


The medicinal value of beets was already known in ancient times. It is used as an aid in the treatment of malaria, acute fibrotic diseases and influenza in the initial stage, and for the regulation of blood pressure, especially low. Beet is useful in the treatment of anemia.

Description and Origin

The medicinal value of beets was already known in ancient times. Was used as an aid in the treatment of malaria, influenza, regulation of blood pressure.
Beetroot is a root vegetable and a medicinal herb known for more than two thousand years.
Today's tame beet originated in the wild that can still be found on the shores of the Mediterranean and Black Sea. The ancient peoples used only thick fleshy leaves of beetroot, while its root was tough and unusable. For centuries, the vegetable growers experimented until they got the present of beetroot with juicy big red root, but without ignore list.
Beet Root is a rich red color that originates from a group of red pigment called betacijanini. In the colonial era beetroot juice painted the icing on the cake and roasted pink pancakes.


The medicinal value of beets was already known in ancient times. It is used as an aid in the treatment of malaria, acute fibrotic diseases and flu in the initial stage and to regulate blood pressure, especially low, and a beneficial effect on the nerves and brain function. Beetroot is useful in the treatment of anemia, especially in children and young adults and enhances the function of the stomach, intestines and gall bladder.
It is also very important in the diet of vegetarians because it contains a certain amount of cobalt that is involved in the creation of vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is only found in the products of animal origin, and in vegetables ga generally does. Vitamin B12 is involved in the creation of red blood cells in the blood, and the lack of this vitamin causes pernicious anemia. That's why beetroot is one of the best natural remedies for treating anemia and anemia.
Beetroot contains iodine. The presence of iodine cycle seems invaluable in the fight against atherosclerosis and retard the aging process, therefore, is recommended for the elderly.
Because selenium content beetroot is food that has the quality of remineralization and successfully counters premature aging and participates in the overall clearance of the organism.
It also contains salicylic acid, which has anti-inflammatory in the body.
Beetroot is best eaten raw and grated it with a little lemon juice. If you want to improve the taste of such a prepared salad with beets, use the carrot and / or a sour apple. It will surprise you to taste the fullness of such combinations.
Beet juice is very healthful and taste it can be improved adding honey and lemon.
Beetroot can consume in any form without any adverse consequences and limitations, it is easy to digest and does not adversely affect the secretion of the stomach.
Thanks to the presence of anthocyanins, which give red beets, affects the recovery of blood, suppresses the growth of tumor cells and serves as a natural protection and removal of the effects of harmful radiation. In addition, betaine and betanin from beetroot helps in strengthening blood vessels, regulating blood pressure, lower cholesterol levels, stimulate liver metabolism and work, and strengthen, and defenses of the organism.
Multiple beneficial effects on the human body beetroot, combined with a very affordable price is a real boon to the health accessible to all.

Energy and nutritive value

Beetroot is extremely useful and beneficial vegetables that can be used all year round.
Average chemical composition of beetroot calculated per 100 g of fresh ingredients: water 88 g, protein 1.5 g, fat 0.1 g, carbohydrates 9.4 g fiber 2.5 g Energy value beetroot is only 45 kcal per 100 g of fresh foods .
Beetroot is easy to digest foods. It contains almost all the mineral ingredients: potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron, fluorine, sulfur, iodine, bromine, lithium, rubidium, cesium and strontium. It is important to note that beetroot contains a certain amount of cobalt that is involved in the creation of vitamin B12.
Important is the presence of vitamin B1, B2, B6, C, folate and pantothenic acid, though not in large quantities. Excellent source of folate (27% of RDA per 100 g), and a good source of manganese (16% of RDA per 100 g), potassium (10% of RDA per 100 g) and fiber (11% of RDA per 100 g).


Spring is an excellent cabbage salad, fresh autumn cabbage in turn can simmer or bake in the oven until the sauerkraut can be served as a side dish with roast pork, duck or nadijevati him famous charms.

Description and Origin

Prolonged boiling cabbage significantly decreases its nutritional value, so it is recommended to put it in hot water instead of cold.
Cabbage is a herbaceous plant cultivated, created by selection of wild plants in a long time. Wild cabbage used for food inhabitants of European coastal areas in prehistoric times, ancient Slavs found pickling process that lasted until the present day.
Good cabbage no great ribs and thin leaves him turned into a hard head. Although it is more known species and subspecies of us used mostly white and less red cabbage. There are early and late types. Sweetest and juiciest green pointed cabbage heads.


It has been shown that the juice of fresh cabbage can successfully treat stomach ulcers and inflammation of the colon. Cabbage, too, into the body most active elements for maintaining the biological balance of the organism and to defend the body against various diseases. It is rich in fiber, which improves digestion, beneficial in wound healing and prevention helps with colds and coughs.
In our eating habits, unfortunately, few are used raw cabbage (fresh or sour), although it is just such richest nutritive and medicinal ingredients. Recent epidemiological studies indicate that regular consumption of vegetables from the brassica genus can be especially effective in reducing the risk of cancer. Components that are considered to be "responsible" for such actions vegetable phytochemicals.
Phytochemicals are biologically active plant molecules in conjunction with vitamins and minerals beneficial effect on health. Have a protective effect on the way to strengthen and enhance the body's defense mechanisms. Cabbage is valuable content foods due tartronske acid that slows the conversion of sugar and other carbohydrates into fat. This makes it a desirable food for weight loss.
Prolonged cooking significantly reduces the nutritional value. To prevent the loss of valuable constituents expressed during cooking, it is recommended cabbage, and other vegetables, soaked in hot water instead of cold.

Energy and nutritive value

Cabbage is a popular vegetable biodiversity and low calorie (24 kcal per 100 g), and contains approximately: 92.52% water, 1.21% protein, 0.18% fat and 2.3% dietary fiber.
Most are represented: Vitamin C (42 mg per 100 g) and beta-carotene (provitamin of vitamin A), followed by minerals: potassium, iron, magnesium, sulfur and copper. Small amounts of sodium, and a favorable balance of calcium and phosphorous ensures maximum utilization of calcium in the body.


Potato dishes have become indispensable in the daily diet for many reasons: the potatoes are easily grown, yield him great, he is represented in the diet throughout the year, reasonable prices, satisfying, it can be easily prepared in many different ways.

Description and Origin

Potatoes Serve as a main dish, for simple and complex salads, side dish of fish and meat in various additions to soups and vegetable stews.
Potato is an annual herbaceous plant and is one of the most common foods in the world. For irregularly cylindrical potato plant that develops on green aboveground parts bears white flowers. From them emerges poisoned fruit because it contains a lot of Solana. Underground stems and tubers of potatoes are not poisonous and are a food that enriches our diet.
There are more varieties of potatoes: early, middle and late, table - for human consumption, industrial, livestock and universal.
Potatoes were brought over by Spanish sailors from less than 400 years from the mountainous regions of Peru. The importance of potatoes in the diet of Indian tribes and their mythology was observed finding objects painted on potato late second century on the shores of Peru.
Potatoes are grown for centuries as decoration which appear during the Entertainment Kiti VIPs, and even kings. By the use of potatoes as food that was daily meals in mere was caused occasional poverty and hunger. Potato dishes have become indispensable in the daily diet for many reasons: the potatoes are easily grown, yield him great, he is represented in the diet throughout the year, reasonable prices, satisfying, it can be easily prepared in many different ways.


Potatoes in their composition contains substances that act on the great man's health and cure diseases caused by abnormal metabolism, such as gout and rheumatism. In folk medicine, the potatoes are used as auxiliary remedy for rheumatism, arthritis, headaches, fever, burns, frostbite, in the form of puree peeled, prijesnog potatoes.
When problems with the lining of the stomach using the juice of the potato. Potato juice is obtained so that the potatoes are peeled, finely grated and juice drained. Since it is not a very pleasant flavor, you can mix it with carrot juice or dilute it with water. This juice is rich in alkaline substances and binds uric acid and thus helps in gout, rheumatism and arthritis.
Bark boiled potatoes lowers high blood pressure. Burns can be treated compresses cold potatoes.

Energy and nutritive value

Potato is a good food to feed people of all ages - a valuable source of energy and carbohydrate (starch).
Energy value of potatoes is only 86 kcal per 100 g meal (boiled potatoes). In 100 grams of raw potato is 80.96% water, 0.14 g fat, 1.89 g protein, 15.90 g carbohydrate (13.35 g starch, 1 g sugar), 1.7 g fiber.
The same amount of potatoes in their composition has 2.5 times less carbs than bread, which makes it important in the diet of diabetics. Bread (40 grams) can replace 100 grams of potatoes.
Potato is a valuable source of vitamins and minerals: vitamin C, niacin, vitamin B6, pantothenic acid, thiamine, folate, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, manganese and calcium.
* Excellent source of vitamin C (23% of the RDA per serving), vitamin B6 (25% of the RDA per serving), potassium (23% of the RDA per serving). A good source of niacin ** (16% of RDA per serving), folate (10% of RDA per serving), pantothenic acid (10% of the RDA per serving), thiamine (10% of RDA per serving), magnesium (11% of the RDA per serving), phosphorus (15% of the RDA per serving), manganese (13% of the RDA per serving).
During thermal processing of foods vitamin C is largely destroyed, while the potato loses only if cooked peeled and sliced. When the potatoes are cooked in a crust, preserved third of vitamin C, and baked in the crust loses it slightly. Vitamins and minerals are found in the skin of potatoes and immediately below it, and it can be just a thin layer of peel or ga neoguljenog cook and bake.
Depending on the time of maturation distinguish young and old potatoes. Young potatoes contain more sugar, vitamin C and water, and the old more starch.


Carrots are a great source of carotenoids, which help protect against cardiovascular disease, regulate blood sugar and improve eyesight. Just one serving of carrots rich in carotenoids by 60% reduces the risk of heart attack.

Description and Origin

Raw carrots excellent healthy snack, and you can combine it with yogurt-based dip.
Carrots are first mentioned in written records in ancient Greece, about 2500 years ago. Its Latin name, Daucus, derives from the Greek "Daio" ('' burn'') due to its stimulating action, which is particularly contained in seeds.
Ancestor of today's cultivated carrot is more than 1000 years in Central Asia and the Middle East. The then resembled a carrot is not present, especially because her color was purple root. At the time of ancient Greece, in Afghanistan appeared yellow carrot roots, which is further developed in the breeding of the first forms of carrot we know today. Both varieties have spread to the Mediterranean and used for medicinal purposes by the ancient Greeks and Romans. Hippocrates it is still 430th BC used in their recipes.
According to the book's cooking Apiciusa (4th century BC), the Romans ate steamed carrots in water with salt, vinegar and oil, or steamed carrots in oil with Roman cumin.
Until renensanse, carrot was not particularly popular. Probably the reason was that the first varieties were the root of a very hard and fibrous structures. In the early 17th century agronomists have bred several varieties of carrots, and they managed to get carrot orange roots and much tastier flavor than its predecessors. Europeans mostly grown this variety, while in South Asia and North Africa, it is popular purple root. Owing to its great popularity, the carrot was the first vegetable that is, early 19th century, canned.
Today, this plant has a fleshy, thick root intense orange and green, feathery leaves overhead. The root has a sweet crunchy texture, while the leaves are bitter.
Protohomeland carrot is considered that reside in Europe, where it still grows abundantly as a wild plant. From distant ancestor of small roots, red, yellow or purple, breeding has evolved over 100 varieties, which differ in color and size. The closest relatives are her parsnips, fennel, cumin and dill.


Carrots are a great source of antioxidants - carotenoids, which help protect against cardiovascular disease, cancer, regulate blood sugar and improve eyesight. The best-known carotenoid (yellow or orange pigment) carrots is beta - carotene, which the body transforms into vitamin A.
Research at 1 300 respondents showed that people who are taking at least one daily serving of carrots and / or yellow pumpkins rich in carotenoids by 60% reduced risk of heart attack. Also, certain carotenoids is associated with reduced breast cancer by 20% and even 50% reduction of cancer of the bladder, cervix, prostate, colon, larynx and esophagus. One of the major research also has shown that the entry in the menu, only one carrot a day by 50% reduces the risk of developing lung cancer.
Particularly important is the intake of vitamin A in the body of smokers. Specifically, benzopyrene, a constituent of the smoke Ciger, significantly reduces the amount of vitamin A in the body, thus leading to greater opportunities for the development of diseases such as emphysema and lung cancer. The same is true for passive smoking.
Beta-kartoten also helps protect eyesight. Once in the liver cells transformed into vitamin A, goes to the retina where it becomes the rodopsin, pigment necessary for night vision. In the later years of life protects against the appearance of eye cataracts.
Carrots contain a type of fiber, calcium pectate, which reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood. It also acts as a diuretic, reducing water retention and soothing cystitis. Assists in the release of mucus from the respiratory cough, bronchitis and asthma, and their antiseptičnosti helps in the treatment of infections.
Many authors suggest so. Spring kuru with carrot juice, which has to relieve the body of toxins accumulated abundant and severe winter food, and also removes the excess acid in the stomach. Three weeks takes 100 g mrkvina juice daily.
Carrot encourages physical development of the child, strengthens bones and increases resistance to infections. Increases the number of red blood cells, prevents anemia and beneficial effect on the liver.

Energy and nutritive value

Major nutrients in carrots are distributed as follows: 89% carbohydrate, 6% protein and 5% fat. Accordingly, carbohydrates are the main carriers of energy value, which is 41 kcal / 171 kJ per 100 g of fresh foods.
Carrots satisfy even 308% of the daily requirement for vitamin A, and the second group includes excellent sources of vitamin K with 21%.
Orange carrots gives carotene, the substance from which our body synthesizes vitamin A. Carotene is variously exploited in our body, depending on the method of preparing carrots. Thus, the utilization of carotene in raw carrots 2%, 18% cooked, and raw ribanoj 82%.
Also, carrots are a good source of dietary fiber, vitamin C and potassium. Although carrots contain a lot of natural sugar, fiber in carrots that prevents this sugar fast "dashed" into the bloodstream and causes increased secretion of insulin. One should not forget the vitamins - tijamin, niacin, vitamin B6 and folate and the mineral manganese.
Some nutritionists believe that the nutrients from carrots can be better utilized if the carrots are cooked (enough it's just a little boil).
Anyway good nutritional profile will repair and the fact that carrots have a very small amount of saturated fat and cholesterol.